Screen Pass is a first-of-its-kinds feature where Movies Anywhere provides users with the ability to digitally lend their movie collection to anyone.

My roles for this project included co-leading the cross-functional naming brainstorm alongside our editorial lead, developing the logo and custom type treatment, and developing the visual brand look of the launch campaign and supporting assets.


As a team we came out the initial brainstorm with 120+ names on a board narrowed down to three buckets: action words, branded words, and currency. We narrowed down to ~20 names to take to the executives. We saw a common theme of the “pass” in most of the naming we narrowed down to, so I began parallel-pathing research and sketching.

Screen Pass would become the name we move forward with.

Feature Logo Design

We had to create an ownable logo that spoke to the idea of lending a movie to family and friends. We knew we wanted something that had motion, could be a container that could transport your movies, and something that could shrink down to an icon for in-product. Based on the sketches and research we went through in earlier phases, we narrowed down on a shapes and started to find unique ways to incorporate parts of our logo into the shape we decided upon.

To make this logo trademarkable we pulled in the bottom curve of the Movies Anywhere logo to be the cuts in the pass and then I took the customized Neo Sans ‘A’ from the brand’s logotype and developed a middle ground between that and the normal Neo Sans ‘A’.

Illustrated Iconography

Below are illustrations expanded from the Screen Pass brand to support cross-channel marketing communications.

Campaign Key Art Concepts

While working on the campaign video the marketing team we had realized that outside of the above creative, we did not develop a way to visualize Screen Pass in a unique way. After seeing the initial cut of the video I began to develop creative around the “Share the…” messaging. I was responsible for developing what would become the Screen Pass branding key art.

I incorporated the “Share the…” with more unique callbacks to the movies, made sure the co-branding of the feature still spotlighted the studio’s IP in positive ways, and looked at a wide variety of ways that the Screen Pass shape could be leveraged in combination with movie visuals.

First Round of Video Campaign Creative

Initial Exploration

Final Screen Pass Campaign Directions

We narrowed down the creative to three different directions that could leverage in appropriate ways for all marketing touchpoints. We began to build out one of each asset direction per movie, with 5+ movies per studio, for approval.

Three Final Directions

Screen Pass - Passes

Screen Pass - Container

Screen Pass - Slant

Final Creative, In Context

Below is a sample of how Screen Pass made it’s consumer-facing debut.
We had PR pickups on outlets like Forbes, The Verge, and more.

PR, Social, In-Product, and Emails. Bottom Right: “Digital Passes” were developed by our Product and Product Design teams to create the through-line in-product so that people could share the pass that looked like the same essence of the Screen Pass logo.

Thank You!